“Link Click” is a captivating Chinese donghua series that delves into the supernatural and the essence of time. The story unfolds around Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang, the duo behind Time Photo Studio. They possess an extraordinary ability: by using a photograph, Cheng Xiaoshi can travel back to the moment it was taken, embodying the photographer’s identity, memories, and emotions. Meanwhile, Lu Guang has the power to track the events in time, guiding Cheng Xiaoshi through the photographer’s experiences.
Their unique service comes with strict rules: they can only travel back for 12 hours and have just one chance to alter the course of events. Their mission is to help clients resolve their regrets without changing the past’s natural flow. The series weaves through various clients’ stories, each with their own set of regrets and desires, showcasing the duo’s attempts to navigate the delicate balance of altering just enough to help but not enough to disrupt history.
“Link Click” combines drama, fantasy, and a touch of suspense, presenting a narrative that explores the consequences of tampering with time and the emotional weight of reliving others’ lives. It’s a tale that questions the morality of changing the past and the impact of every choice we make.
As the series progresses, viewers are taken on a journey through the protagonists’ personal growth and the expanding complexity of their assignments. With each episode, the stakes get higher, and the line between right and wrong becomes increasingly blurred. “Link Click” is not just a story about time travel; it’s a reflection on humanity, connection, and the timeless question of “what if?”
The series has been well-received for its intricate storytelling, character development, and the philosophical questions it raises. It stands as a testament to the growing global appeal of donghua and the universal themes that resonate across cultures and borders.
Shiguang Dailiren | Link Click
Information βΉοΈ
- πΈ Link Click πΈ
β Type β© TV
β Genres β© #Drama, #Supernatural #Time_Travel
β Status β© Finished Airing
β Aired β© Apr 30, 2021
β Language β© Dual Audio (En & Jp)
β Subtitles β© English
β Episode β© 11 + 12
β Resolution β© 720p | 1080p
β Rating β© 8.2/10 MyAnimeList
β Duration β© 23 min/ep
β Studios β© Studio LAN