My First Girlfriend is a Gal is an anime series based on a manga of the same name. It follows the story of Junichi Hashiba, a high school student who is pressured by his friends to lose his virginity. He decides to confess to Yukana Yame, a beautiful and popular girl who is rumored to be a “gal”, a fashionable and flirtatious subculture. To his surprise, she agrees to date him, and he soon discovers that she is more than just a gal. She is kind, caring, and loyal, and he falls in love with her. However, their relationship faces many challenges from other girls who are interested in Junichi, as well as from his own insecurities and misunderstandings.
Information ℹ️
- My First Girlfriend is a Gal
(Hajimete no Gal)
➤Type :- TV
➤Genres :- #Comedy, #Ecchi, #Romance, #School, #Shounen
➤Status :- Finished Airing
➤Aired :- Jul 12, 2017 to Sep 13, 2017
➤Language :- Duel Audio.
➤Subtitles :- yes (English)
➤Episodes :- 10 + OVA
➤Duration :- 23 min. per ep
➤Resolution :- 1080p
➤Rating :- 6.3/10 MyAnimeList
➤Studios :- NAZ.
➤Source :- Manga.
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