“World’s End Harem” is a Japanese manga series that unfolds an erotic thriller within a science fiction setting. The narrative begins in the year 2040 with Reito Mizuhara, a young man who enters cryostasis while awaiting a cure for his rare disease. Upon awakening five years later, Reito discovers a world ravaged by the MK (Man Killer) virus, which has decimated the male population, leaving only 0.1% alive. These survivors were those, like Reito, who were in cryostasis and thus immune to the virus’s effects.
The story takes a dramatic turn as Reito learns he is one of the few men in Japan who are immune to the MK Virus. He is thrust into a breeding program aimed at repopulating the world. As he navigates this new reality, Reito is also on a quest to uncover the truth behind the MK Virus and the mysterious disappearance of his childhood friend, Elisa Tachibana.
“World’s End Harem” is not just a tale of survival but also explores themes of love, desire, and the human condition in extreme circumstances. The series has been serialized in Shueisha’s online magazine ShΕnen Jump+ and has inspired additional manga series, audio dramas, a virtual reality game, and an anime television series.
For those interested in a blend of dystopian narrative and complex character dynamics, “World’s End Harem” offers a unique take on the end-of-the-world genre. The series concluded in May 2023, leaving a legacy of intrigue and speculative storytelling.
Information βΉοΈ
- πΈ World’s End Harem πΈ
β Type β© TV
β Genres β©Β #Ecchi #Sci-Fi
β Status β© Finished Airing
β Aired β© Winter 2021
β Language β© Japanese
β Subtitles β© #English, #Spanish, #Portuguese, #French, #German, #Russian #Italian #Arabic
β Episode β© 11
β Rating β© 6.2/10 MyAnimeList
β Duration β© 23 min per ep
β Studios β© Seven Arcs
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