Darwins game is an anime series based on a manga of the same name. The story follows Kaname Sudo, a high school student who gets involved in a mysterious mobile app game that grants its players superpowers and forces them to fight for their lives. Kaname soon discovers that the game is not only real, but also deadly, as he encounters other players who will stop at nothing to win. Along the way, he forms alliances and enemies, and learns the secrets behind the game and its creator.
Information ℹ️
- ???? Darwin’s Game ????
(ダーウィンズゲーム)➤Type :- TV
➤Genres :- #Action, #Sci-Fi, #Mystery, #Super_Power, #Shounen
➤Status :- Finished Airing
➤Aired :- Jan 4, 2020
➤Language :- Dual Audio.
➤Subtitles :- yes (English)
➤Episodes :- 11
➤Duration :- 26 min. per ep
➤Resolution :- 1080p
➤Rating :- 7.29/10 MyAnimeList
➤Studios :- Nexus.
➤Source :- Manga.