They Are My Noble Masters is a 2008 anime series based on a visual novel of the same name. The story follows Ren Uesugi, a young man who runs away from his abusive stepfather and finds a job as a servant in the Kuonji mansion. There, he meets the three Kuonji sisters: Shinra, Miyu, and Yume, who each have their own quirks and secrets. Ren soon becomes involved in their complicated lives, as well as the lives of the other servants and guests. The anime is a comedy with some drama and romance elements, and features many references and parodies of other anime and games.
Information ℹ️
- Kimi ga Aruji de Shitsuji ga Ore de
- They Are My Noble Masters
⪼ Type :– TV
⪼ Genres :- #Comedy, #Romance, #Ecchi #Harem - ⪼ Status :- Finished Airing.
⪼ Aired :- Jan 6, 2008
⪼ Language :- Japanese
⪼ Subtitles :- English
⪼ Episodes :- 12
⪼ Duration :- 22 min per ep.
⪼ Resolution :- 1080p
⪼ Rating :- 7.3/10 MyAnimeList
⪼ Studios :- A.C.G.T.
⪼ Source :- Manga
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