The Faraway Paladin is a fantasy novel series about a young man named Will, who is raised by three undead heroes in a world where the gods have abandoned humanity. Will inherits the power and the mission of his adoptive parents, who sacrificed themselves to seal away a great evil that threatened to destroy the world. Will sets out on a journey to find his place in the world, to honor his parents’ legacy, and to face the dangers that lurk in the shadows of a fallen civilization.
Saihate no Paladin Episode 12 English Subbed. Paladin of the End, Ultimate Paladin, The Faraway Paladin Episode 12 English Subbed
Information ℹ️
- ❈ The Faraway Paladin ❈
(Saihate no Paladin)➺ Type :- TV
➺ Genres :- #Action, #Adventure, #Drama, #Fantasy, #Mystery, #Romance
➺ Status :- Finished Airing
➺ Aired :- Oct 09, 2021
➺ Language :- Dual Audio
➺ Subtitles :- English
➺ Episodes :- 12
➺ Duration :- 23 min per ep
➺ Rating :- 6.9 MyAnimeList
➺ Studios :- SILVER LINK