So, I Can’t Play H is an anime series that aired in the summer of 2012. It is based on a light novel of the same name by Pan Tachibana. The story follows Ryosuke Kaga, a perverted high school student who makes a contract with a shinigami named Lisara Restall. In exchange for his lecherous spirit, Lisara agrees to help him find the “Singular Girl” who can save the world from a crisis. However, Ryosuke soon discovers that his life force is draining faster than he expected, and he has to find a way to balance his lust and his mission.
Information ℹ️
- ???? So, I Can’t Play H! ????
(Dakara boku-ha H ga Dekinai)
➻ Type :- TV
➻ Genres :- #Comedy, #Romance, #Supernatural, #Ecchi
➻ Status :- Finished Airing
➻ Aired :- Jul 6, 2012
➻ Language :- Japanese
➻ Subtitles :- English
➻ Episode :- 12
➻ Duration :- 25 min per ep
➻ Rating :- 6.7/10 MyAnimeList
➻ Studios :- feel.
Download The Anime From Drive ⬇️
To access the private drive just open Google Group and join the Google Group, ignore the rest. After that Open drive, Enjoy.
Google Group 1080p 1080p [Private Drive]