“Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary” is a captivating tale that unfolds in the bustling high school life of Kobato and Osanai, two students who share a common goal: to lead a peaceful and ordinary life. The story is set against the backdrop of their high school, where they plan to make their debut as average students, avoiding any attention that could disrupt their tranquility.
Kobato, having endured a bitter past through deduction activities known as “wisdom work,” is determined to turn over a new leaf. He forms a secret pact with Osanai, who harbors the same desire for normalcy. Together, they navigate the complexities of high school, aiming to blend in with their peers and enjoy uneventful days.
However, their pursuit of the ordinary is constantly challenged by a series of mysterious incidents and misfortunes that seem to follow them. Despite their best efforts to remain inconspicuous, they find themselves drawn into these enigmas, testing their resolve to maintain their facade of ordinariness.
With a blend of mystery and the quest for a simple life, “Shoshimin: How to Become Ordinary” explores the irony of how extraordinary events seek out those who least desire them. It’s a story that resonates with anyone who has ever wished to escape the spotlight and live a life free from complications.
The anime adaptation promises to bring this intriguing narrative to life with its vibrant animation and compelling character development. Fans of the genre can look forward to a series that not only provides suspenseful entertainment but also delves into the themes of identity and the human desire for normalcy. The series is set to premiere on July 7, 2024, and is eagerly anticipated by anime enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
Information ℹ️
- Shoushimin Series
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Currently Airing
- Aired: Jul 7, 2024 to ?
- Premiered: Summer 2024
- Broadcast: Sundays at 01:30 (JST)
- Previewed: Jun 30, 2024
- Producers: NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan
- Licensors: None found, add some
- Studios: Lapin Track
- Source: Novel
- Genre: Mystery
- Theme: School
- Duration: Unknown
- Rating: None