In the world of Quanzhi Fashi, or Full-Time Magister, magic is not just a fantastical concept but the very foundation of society. This captivating series follows the journey of Mo Fan, an ordinary high school student who awakens to find himself in an alternate reality where science has been replaced by magic.
Mo Fan’s life is fraught with challenges; he is the son of a laborer and the older step-brother to a disabled sister. Despite the hardships, he harbors a dream to become a magician, a revered and lucrative profession in this new world. His determination sees him accepted into a prestigious magic school, but he quickly becomes the target of ridicule due to his impoverished background and perceived lack of magical talent.
However, Mo Fan is no ordinary student. He possesses a rare and powerful dual ability to wield both fire and lightning elements, setting him apart from his peers. As he navigates through the trials and tribulations of school life, Mo Fan must keep his unique powers hidden, all while facing the dangers that lurk outside the city, where monstrous beasts threaten humanity.
Quanzhi Fashi is a tale of perseverance, discrimination, and the pursuit of one’s dreams against all odds. It’s a story that resonates with the struggles of overcoming societal barriers and the importance of staying true to oneself. With each spell cast and monster defeated, Mo Fan moves closer to his goal, proving that even in a world ruled by magic, the human spirit remains the most powerful force of all.
Information ℹ️
Full-Time Magister
Quan Zhi Fa Shi
全职法师Type ONA Episodes All Status Finished Airing Aired Sep 2, 2016 to Nov 4, 2016 Producers Tencent Penguin Pictures, China Literature Limited Licensors Unknown Studios Foch Film Source Novel Genres Action, Fantasy Theme School Duration 18 min. per ep. Rating PG-13 – Teens 13 or older