Plunderer is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Suu Minazuki. It is set in a world where every person has a count, which determines their social status and fate. The count can go up or down depending on a person’s actions, and if it reaches zero, they are dragged into the Abyss, a mysterious and deadly realm. The story follows Licht, a mysterious masked man with a negative count, and Hina, a naive girl who inherited a mission from her mother: to find the legendary Ace, the hero of the Waste War.
Plunderer is an action-packed and thrilling anime that explores themes such as justice, freedom, and destiny. The animation is fluid and colorful, and the soundtrack is catchy and epic. The characters are diverse and interesting, each with their own secrets and motivations. The plot is full of twists and turns, and the world-building is rich and immersive. Plunderer is an anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat and make you question everything you know.
Information ℹ️
- ❀ Type ⋩ TV
❀ Genres ⋩ #Action, #ecchi #Fantasy, #Romance,
❀ Status ⋩ Finished
❀ Aired ⋩ Jan 9, 2020
❀ Language ⋩ Dual Audio
❀ Subtitles ⋩ English
❀ Episode ⋩ 12
❀ Rating ⋩ 6.8/10 MyAnimeList
❀ Duration ⋩ 23 Min Per Ep
❀ Studios ⋩ GEEKTOYS