Oshi no Ko is an anime series based on a manga by Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari. It follows the lives of Aqua and Ruby Hoshino, who are the reincarnations of a doctor and his patient, respectively. They are also the children of Ai Hoshino, a famous idol singer who was murdered by a fan. The anime explores their struggles and achievements in the entertainment industry as they seek revenge for their mother’s death.
Information ℹ️
- Oshi no ko | My Star
- ❀ Type ⋩ TV
- ❀ Genres ⋩ #Drama #Reincarnation #Supernatural
- ❀ Status ⋩ Finished Airing
- ❀ Aired ⋩ Apr 12, 2023
- ❀ Language ⋩ Dual Audio
- ❀ Subtitles ⋩ English
- ❀ Episode ⋩ 11
- ❀ Resolution ⋩ 720p | 1080P
- ❀ Rating ⋩ 8.9/10 MyAnimeList
- ❀ Duration ⋩ 23min/ep
- ❀ Studios ⋩ Doga Kobo
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