Just Because! is a slice-of-life anime that follows the lives of five high school students in their final semester. The story revolves around the unexpected reunion of Eita Izumi, a transfer student who moved away four years ago, and his childhood friends Haruto Soma, Mio Natsume, Ena Komiya, and Hazuki Morikawa. As they reconnect and deal with their own feelings, they face the challenges of growing up, making decisions, and moving on. The anime explores the themes of friendship, romance, nostalgia, and fate in a realistic and relatable way.
Information ℹ️
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❀ Type ⋩ TV
❀ Genres ⋩ #Drama, #Romance, #Slice of Life #Love_Polygon, #School
❀ Status ⋩ Finished
❀ Aired ⋩ Oct 5, 2017
❀ Language ⋩ Dual Audio (En & Jp)
❀ Subtitles ⋩ English
❀ Episode ⋩ 12
❀ Resolution ⋩ 720p | 1080p
❀ Rating ⋩ 7.2/10 MyAnimelist
❀ Duration ⋩ 23 min per ep
❀ Studios ⋩ Pine Jam