“Dark Gathering” is a gripping anime series that delves into the supernatural and the struggles of confronting one’s fears. The story follows Keitarou Gentouga, a college freshman with an unusual problem: spirits are drawn to him. This attraction to the paranormal stems from a traumatic event that left him cursed, forcing him to wear a glove to conceal the mark of his encounter. Despite his fear of ghosts, Keitarou tries to lead a normal life, which takes an unexpected turn when he becomes a private tutor to Yayoi Houzuki, a prodigious student with a unique ability to see spirits.
Yayoi is on a mission to find the malevolent spirit responsible for her mother’s disappearance. She enlists Keitarou’s help, believing that his spiritual magnetism can aid her quest. Together, they embark on a dangerous journey, collecting evil spirits that Yayoi believes will help her in the ultimate confrontation with the spirit that took her mother.
The series is a blend of horror, adventure, and the supernatural, as the characters navigate the spirit world, unravel mysteries surrounding their curses, and strive to rescue Yayoi’s missing mother. “Dark Gathering” challenges its characters to face their fears and the unknown, making it a compelling watch for fans of the genre.
Information ℹ️
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 25
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Jul 10, 2023
- Premiered: Summer 2023
- Broadcast: Mondays at 01:05 (JST)
- Producers: Pony Canyon, Shueisha
- Licensors: Sentai Filmworks
- Studios: OLM
- Source: Manga
- Genres: Horror, Supernatural
- Demographic: Shounen
- Duration: 23min per ep
- Rating: 8.0/10 MyAnimeList