Chronos Ruler is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Pon Jea. It follows the adventures of Victor and Kiri, a father and son duo who can manipulate time using special cards. They are Chronos Rulers, warriors who fight against the Horologues, monstrous beings that devour time from humans. Along the way, they meet Mina, a mysterious girl who can also use time cards, and Blaze, a former Chronos Ruler who has a grudge against Victor.
The anime has 13 episodes and aired in 2017. It was produced by Project No.9 and directed by Masato Matsune. The animation is decent, but not outstanding. The character designs are faithful to the manga, but some of the backgrounds are bland. The music is catchy, especially the opening and ending themes. The voice acting is good, with Jun Fukuyama and Kaito Ishikawa delivering solid performances as Victor and Kiri.
The plot is interesting, but not very original. It borrows elements from other anime such as Fullmetal Alchemist, D.Gray-man, and Steins;Gate. The concept of time manipulation is cool, but not very well explained. The anime also suffers from pacing issues, as some episodes are too slow and others are too rushed. The ending is satisfying, but leaves some questions unanswered.
The characters are likable, but not very deep. Victor is a charismatic and eccentric leader, but his backstory is clichéd. Kiri is a loyal and brave son, but his personality is generic. Mina is a cute and mysterious girl, but her motives are vague. Blaze is a cool and powerful rival, but his character development is weak.
Overall, Chronos Ruler is an enjoyable anime for fans of action and fantasy genres. It has some flaws, but it also has some merits. It is not a masterpiece, but it is not a waste of time either.
Information ℹ️
- 🌸 Chronos Ruler 🌸
- Jikan no Shihaisha
❀ Type ⋩ TV
❀ Genres ⋩ #Supernatural #Shounen
❀ Status ⋩ Finished Airing
❀ Aired ⋩ Jul 8, 2017
❀ Language ⋩ Dual Audio (En & Jp)
❀ Subtitles ⋩ English
❀ Episode ⋩ 13
❀ Rating ⋩ 6.9/10 MyAnimeList
❀ Duration ⋩ 23min/ep
❀ Studios ⋩ Project No.9