Chobits is a sci-fi romance anime that explores the relationship between humans and androids. The story follows Hideki, a college student who finds a discarded android, or “persocom”, in the trash. He names her Chi and decides to take care of her, but soon discovers that she is no ordinary persocom. Chi has no memory of her past and seems to have a special connection to a mysterious project called “Chobits”. As Hideki and Chi grow closer, they face various challenges and dangers from people who want to exploit Chi’s secrets.
Chobits is an anime that raises interesting questions about the nature of love, identity, and humanity. It has a mix of comedy, drama, and mystery, as well as some ecchi and fanservice scenes. The animation is colorful and detailed, and the soundtrack is catchy and emotional. The characters are likable and complex, especially Chi, who is innocent and curious about the world. Chobits is an anime that will make you laugh, cry, and think about what it means to be human.
Information βΉοΈ
- πΈ Chobits πΈ
β Type β© TV
β Genres β© #Comedy, #Drama, #Romance, #Sci-Fi, #Ecchi #Seinen
β Status β© Finished Airing
β Aired β© Apr 3, 2002
β Language β© Dual Audio (En & Jp)
β Subtitles β© English
β Episode β© 26
β Resolution β© 720p | 1080p
β Rating β© 7.4/10 MyAnimeList
β Duration β© 23 Min Per Ep
β Studios β© Madhouse