“Bye Bye, Earth” is an evocative tale set in a dystopian future where Earth is teetering on the brink of destruction. The anime follows Belle Lablac, a unique human in a world dominated by anthropomorphic animals. Labeled as “Faceless” due to her lack of animalistic features, Belle embarks on a poignant journey to discover her roots, armed with the Runding, a legendary sword as tall as herself. Alongside this narrative runs a parallel story of a group of survivors, desperately seeking to save the planet from the ravages of unchecked human activity. They face ethical dilemmas, betrayals, and the heavy burden of their choices against the backdrop of a world facing its end. This science fiction saga intertwines Belle’s personal quest with the broader theme of survival, exploring the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. The series is noted for its deep character development and stunning visual portrayal of space landscapes and futuristic technologies, making it a compelling watch for those who appreciate intricate storytelling and rich animation.
Information ℹ️
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Currently Airing
- Aired: Jul 12, 2024
- Premiered: Summer 2024
- Broadcast: Fridays at 23:30 (JST)
- Previewed: Jun 22, 2024
- Producers: Sony Pictures Entertainment, WOWOW, Crunchyroll
- Licensors: None found, add some
- Source: Light novel
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
- Theme: Anthropomorphic
- Duration: 24min per ep
- Rating: None