“A Condition Called Love” is a heartwarming tale that explores the complexities of young love and the journey of self-discovery. The story centers around Hotaru Hinase, a high school freshman who enjoys a fulfilling life surrounded by friends and family, yet she finds herself untouched by the whims of romance. This changes dramatically when she encounters Saki Hananoi, a classmate who has just experienced a painful breakup.
In a twist of fate, Hotaru’s simple act of kindness towards a heartbroken Saki leads him to propose a trial relationship. As Hotaru navigates this unexpected turn, she embarks on a path of emotional growth and understanding. The narrative delves into the nuances of a relationship that begins on unconventional grounds, with Saki’s earnest attempts to win over Hotaru’s heart and Hotaru’s own quest to comprehend the true essence of love.
The manga series, penned by Megumi Morino, began its serialization in December 2017 and has since captivated readers with its relatable characters and poignant storytelling. With its recent adaptation into an anime series, “A Condition Called Love” continues to resonate with audiences, offering a fresh perspective on the trials and tribulations of love in the tender years of youth.
Information ℹ️
- Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai
- Type: TV
- Episodes: 12
- Status: Finished Airing
- Aired: Apr 4, 2024
- Premiered: Spring 2024
- Broadcast: Thursdays at 23:56 (JST)
- Producers: None found, add some
- Licensors: None found, add some
- Studios: East Fish Studio
- Source: Manga
- Genre: Romance
- Theme: School
- Demographic: Shoujo
- Duration: 23 min per ep
- Rating: 6.7/10 MyAnimeList