In the bustling city of Tokyo, a unique blend of romance and science fiction unfolds in the anime series “Astro Note.” The story revolves around Takumi, a talented chef who finds himself jobless and adrift. His fortunes change when he stumbles upon Astro-sou, an old boarding house with a vacancy for a resident cook. The boarding house is not just a haven for eclectic tenants but also harbors secrets that stretch across the cosmos.
The heart of “Astro Note” lies in the growing bond between Takumi and the boarding house’s enigmatic caretaker, Mira. Mira’s charm and beauty captivate Takumi, and as they work closely, their connection deepens. However, Mira is not all she appears to be. She is, in fact, the crown princess of Planet Widi, on Earth to find “the key” that will allow her to return home and claim her rightful place as queen.
The narrative weaves through the daily lives of Astro-sou’s residents, exploring themes of belonging, discovery, and the intersection of the ordinary with the extraordinary. Takumi, now privy to Mira’s true identity, vows to help her in her quest, all while keeping her secret from the other tenants. The series is a tapestry of relationships, culinary delights, and interstellar intrigue, set against the backdrop of a modern-day Earth that brushes hands with the fantastical.
“Astro Note” is a story that captures the imagination and speaks to the dreamer in everyone. It’s a tale that reminds us that sometimes, the most extraordinary adventures can begin with the simplest of encounters.
Information ℹ️
Alternative Titles | English Astro Note Japanese アストロノオト |
Type | TV |
Episodes | 12 |
Status | Finished Airing |
Aired | Apr 5, 2024 to Jun 21, 2024 |
Premiered | Spring 2024 |
Broadcast | Fridays at 22:30 (JST) |
Producers | Lantis, Shochiku, Movic, Tokyo MX, Crunchyroll, BS Asahi, Bandai Namco Music Live, Tokyu Agency |
Licensors | Unknown |
Studios | Telecom Animation Film |
Source | Original |
Genres | Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi |
Duration | 24 min. per ep. |
Rating | PG-13 – Teens 13 or older |