Interspecies Reviewers is an anime series that follows the adventures of a group of adventurers who visit various brothels of different races and species. They then rate their experiences and share them with the public through a magazine. The anime is a comedy that explores the themes of sexuality, diversity, and fantasy in a humorous and explicit way. The anime is based on a manga of the same name by Amahara and masha.
Information ℹ️
- Ishuzoku Reviewers
❀ Type ⋩ TV
❀ Genres ⋩ #Comedy #Fantasy, #Ecchi #Harem
❀ Status ⋩ Finished Airing
❀ Aired ⋩ Jan 11, 2020
❀ Language ⋩ Japanese❀ Subtitles ⋩ English
❀ Episode ⋩ 12
❀ Resolution ⋩ 720p | 1080p
❀ Rating ⋩ 6.8/10 MyAnimeList
❀ Duration ⋩ 23min per ep
❀ Studios ⋩ passione
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