Golden Time is an anime series based on the light novel of the same name by Yuyuko Takemiya. It follows the romantic comedy and drama of Banri Tada, a college student who suffers from amnesia due to an accident, and Koko Kaga, a self-proclaimed girlfriend of Banri’s friend Mitsuo Yanagisawa. The series explores the themes of identity, friendship, love, and memory as Banri tries to cope with his past and present selves. Along the way, he meets various characters who have their own struggles and secrets, such as Linda, Banri’s childhood friend who harbors feelings for him; Nana, a punk rock singer who lives in the same apartment as Banri; and Chinami, a cheerful girl who has a crush on Mitsuo. Golden Time is a heartwarming and hilarious anime that will make you laugh, cry, and feel all kinds of emotions.
Information ℹ️
- ⪼ Type :- TV
- ⪼ Genres :- #Comedy, #Drama, #Romance
- ⪼ Status :- Finished Airing.
- ⪼ Aired :- Oct 4, 2013 to Mar 28, 2014
- ⪼ Language :- English / Japanese
- ⪼ Subtitles :- English
- ⪼ Episodes :- 24
- ⪼ Duration :- 24 min per ep.
- ⪼ Resolution :- 720p | 1080p
- ⪼ Rating :- 7.77/10 MyAnimeList
- ⪼ Studios :- J.C.Staff
- ⪼ Source :- Light Novel
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