Domestic Girlfriend is an anime series that follows the complicated love triangle between Natsuo, a high school student who has a crush on his teacher Hina, and Rui, a girl he meets at a mixer and sleeps with. To make matters worse, Natsuo’s father remarries and his new step-sisters turn out to be Hina and Rui. The anime explores the themes of romance, drama, and family as Natsuo tries to sort out his feelings and deal with the consequences of his actions.
The anime is based on a manga of the same name by Kei Sasuga, which ran from 2014 to 2020. The anime adaptation was produced by Diomedéa and aired in 2019, with 12 episodes. The anime received mixed reviews from critics and fans, some praising its realistic portrayal of complex relationships and emotions, while others criticizing its melodramatic plot and controversial subject matter. The anime is rated R for mature audiences due to its sexual content and nudity.
Information ℹ️
- Domestic Na Kanojo
- ⬗ Domestic Girlfriend ⬖
⪼ Type :– TV - ⪼ Genres :- #Drama, #Romance, #School, #Shounen #Ecchi
⪼ Status :- Finished Airing.
⪼ Aired :- Jan 12, 2019 to Mar 30, 2019
⪼ Language :- English /Japanese
⪼ Subtitles :- English
⪼ Episodes :- 12
⪼ Duration :- 25 min per ep.
⪼ Resolution :- 1080p
⪼ Rating :- 6.78/10 MyAnimeList
⪼ Studios :- Diomedea
⪼ Source :- Manga
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